Monday, July 25, 2011

We went to Robs appointment today, and the scan results are GREAT!! There is no spots of lymphoma, there are a few spots that are scar tissue. The doctor said that he is in a full remission. I was about to tell the doctor what Rob has been doing for the last week and the doctor stuck her fingers in her ears and said "lalala I don't want to hear it, lol what I don't know doesn't hurt me". It was so funny. So she said if he is ok to go back to work than go for it. He is going back to full duties starting Monday. So I did ask the question if he doesn't stay in remission what would the next step be and she said if in 6 to 12 months it came back they would do somewhat of the same procedure just more intense chemo, I thought this was pretty intense. So if it comes back in 10 years they would consider the same treatment. The options are not as bad as I thought they would be.

As for baby, he is very active. I have been off of the diclectin for the last week and I haven't been sick so I am happy to be done with that. I am so glad I starting making room for the baby now it is such a major job for me, I couldn't have done it at a later date. I had to move all my crafts downstairs and add another dresser to Tyler's room and make room for the baby in our room.

Seth and Tyler are doing really well too. Seth just went on a very long bike ride with daddy. They went down to the water, Tyler was too tired or we would have all went. Honestly I am happy he is too tired I went yesterday and my thighs hit my stomach so I can only handle so much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Awesome news!!! God is Awesome!! And also i see a lil he word in there!! Congrats on another lil boy!! Woo hoo! The 4th will be a girl!! Least thats my experience! ;) I'm glad all is on the up!! Take care