Monday, August 1, 2011

Today was Robs first day back, He came home at 2:30PM usually he wouldn't be home until 6PM. I jumped up and was all worried and asked "why are you home so early?" and he said "because it is a holiday and no one is open", oh ok now I can breathe. Then he decides to make a joke and was like I'm so tired I couldn't finish, lol!!
I asked Rob last night if he was nervous, excited or happy to go back to work and he said happy, as in the sense this is one step closer to things returning to normal.

I managed to get though the day, lol! Rob has been so amazing to have around I can't even begin to describe. He entertained the kids, took them for bike rides, just sat and watched them play outside, and he always helped me with dinner and clean up. I was able to nap everyday. Before you think that sounds so awesome remember why he was here. For the last 2 months Rob has been here and we became best best friends, I know that sounds so lame, but when we can spend all day together and still find stuff to talk about that is more than just best friends.

Sometimes things are hard to process and when we were at the doctors we heard there is no more lymphoma so we sorta just stopped hearing things after that, we were so focused on hearing it was gone nothing else really mattered. Then after some time we processed what else was said and his neutrophils (the part of the white blood cell that is actually his immune system) are at 1.7 instead of the normal 4-6. The doctor said that is more than enough to get by in life and that below one she would be worried.

As for the comment on the previous post when we found out it was a boy we were driving in our Jeep Commander, I say that because it seats 7. I said to Rob oh well we will just have to try again and he says theres room for 5 in the back, lol!

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