Monday, August 29, 2011

Rob and I worked all day yesterday and we wanted to take a break with the boys so we went over to the water park before dinner. It is a small water park that is close to our house. It is fenced and there is a small park in it as well. Rob played with the boys in the water and at the park. There was this one time Rob was filling his hands up to splash the boys and this other little boy just splashed him with his bottle of water on purpose, lol!! I was laughing so hard Rob was shocked and I couldn't believe the little boy did that. So then it became a game and this other little boy joined in the fun with his squirt gun. They were chasing Rob around the park trying to splash him. The mother of the first boy came over to me and asked how all of it started and I told her and she was shocked because the little boy is an introvert and mostly keeps to himself. She quite enjoyed watching him play like that. I loved watching it all too, mostly I was happy to see that Seth and Tyler were able to share Rob, it didn't even bother them. They were happy to play on their own and didn't feel like they had to be right in the middle with Rob.

As for baby update...... I saw the specialist last week and it seems the due date has changed AGAIN!! it is now December 11, 2011. The reason for all the date changes is I had gotten the first ultrasound in the hospital and didn't go back to see the emergency doctor, so we just used the dates that I had said. Then when I spoke to my family doctor he hadn't received the ultrasound from the hospital either. Then when I went for the 18 week ultrasound the technician looked ordered the first ultrasound and then said I was 17 weeks at the time. Then when I saw the OB they only went of off the first ultrasound and said that my date was December 11. I am low on platelets which can happen sometimes, so they will test again and if it is low I will have to go every month to get blood work. I asked for another ultrasound and they are going to give me one for about 32 weeks, I want to make sure it is still a boy lol!! JK! and they want to make sure that things are ok because of Rob and because I am fat, no really not joking. My BMI (body mass index) was high before I got pregnant. I have lost 3 pounds in the pregnancy, I think it is because I haven't stopped moving I am so busy.
I start work on Thursday and Seth starts school I am so excited, I am able to take Seth to school and pick him up and still get to my route on time. My first pick up is in my community.

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