Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween was great last night. I didn't go but Rob and my mom went out with the 5 younger ones and the older ones went on their own. Seth was a penguin and Rob said for the first few houses he would knock say "trick or treat, I'm a penguin". lol! he was so proud of the fact that he was a penguin. Tyler would yell "trick or treat" when he was half way to the peoples door. lol! Rob also said that at a couple houses Tyler said "more please" lol! and they gave him more.
I also had my ultrasound yesterday and the cord and baby have moved into a good position. They said it is highly unlikely the cord will move again to a wrong position. The baby gained .7 ounces in a week. I gained 6 pounds????? how did that happen? lol they are saying it was fluid that caused the weight gain. It looks like there will be one more ultrasound and thats it. That takes some stress off of me to know that things are ok, he is just a big boy, God help me!!

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