Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Yesterday was Rob's 6 month check up appointment. The doctor said everything looks good. His platelets are a little low. His immune system has come up. Rob doesn't have any symptoms that some people would be having at this stage. The doctor said there was new research and treatment for Rob's type of Lymphoma. It is just a really strong antibiotic that is not as hard on your body and really simple to take. It was mainly used on older patients, and after following them for 3 years there was a 90% success rate. This research would not have changed anything they did for Rob, but could be helpful in the future. They will continue to follow him every 3 months. for the first year.
As for me, I am very ready to have this baby, yesterday was the first day I finally said I was ready, not just cause I am sore. I am ready and excited for everything that comes with a new baby.

1 comment:

Amy St. Pierre said...

So excited to see him too! And hoping you can make the Christmas party tomorrow night! Luv ya!