Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Yesterday Seth, Tyler and I had to bring Rob his safety vest that he forgot. We met him at Tim Hortons and before we were going in I gave the vest to Seth and asked him to give it to Daddy. We walk in and there was a lady standing at the counter and Seth asks, wheres daddy? I started laughing so hard, she didn't hear him but it was so cute. They have these machines there that you put a dollar in and you get to play for a stuffed animal. Seth was playing with the buttons then walks over to Rob and goes Daddy money? lol he gets it already it is so funny.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Well I feel I should write something because it has been awhile. Yesterday was the last time for a chemo treatment. We are happy to be done. Rob will have to go back before we go to Mexico to make sure that his white blood counts are up, because without an immune system a vacation is not a good idea. When we booked the vacation we thought that we were done so it would have given him over a month to get his immune system up, but with the doctor giving us more of the shots that boost his immune it will build it up again.