Thursday, November 27, 2008

My Stupidity

The other day I used Rob's keys to go and get the mail and I took them from his pants pocket. He noticed them on the ledge and says to me "If you are going to take my keys make sure you tell me or please put them back because if I don't have them when I leave here I will not be able to get my car at the end of the night from work". I was joking with him and said "When I leave here in the afternoon with the bus I always make sure I have my car keys". Well today I left them at home.... I felt so stupid, it took me an extra 45 minutes to come home with the bus, get my keys and go back to the yard. grrrrr...... lol!!
On another note..... Seth is so adorable.... he says "sank-you" to everything....... he used the potty today and I finished wiping him and said "there you go" he replied with "sank-you" lol what a nut.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dear Santa

Oh man I am so upset.... I was going to post pictures of dinner last night.... we went to Berlo it is a Brazillian Grill, which means they bring the food right to your table. They had these sea salt chicken wings, smoked caramel pineapple, top sirloin meats and bacon wrapped fillet mignon and bacon wrapped chicken. It also comes with an exotic salad bar and a hot bar, it was absolutely fantastic. I can't post the pictures because when we went to the theater I took the camera out to take a picture of us and then I left it at the theater. So Dear Santa.... I need a camera so I can take pictures to perserve our special moments..... thank you .... lol

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Seth has been running around saying "Don't, Don't" to everything that Tyler does.... it is so funny..... I don't really say No, I say don't do that, so now he has copied me and poor Tyler is not allowed to do anything.
I felt like such a dork on Friday.... we went to watch Madagascar 2 and I walk up to the desk to pay and I say to him "for 2 please"..... he very politely says "for which movie" I started laughing and said "what you don't know" lol..... he says "well I could guess"..... so yeah I felt dumb.
And again I have to be annoying and ask that you vote for Tyler so that we can win lots of cool prizes.... there are just a few days left..... thank you to everyone who has been voting. Please click HERE to vote.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why Me

Seriuosly, I have had all I can take lol........... my bus broke down yesterday AGAIN!!!! I was on my way to the school for the afternoon run and all of a sudden the engine light went on and the bus heated up. Turns out that there was no coolant in the radiator..... which is not my fault, I checked what I was supposed to, it just wasn't cycling properly, so the coolant that was in the engine just got really hot and then boiled and came exploding out of the radiator cap. It was weird, I turned of the heat in the bus which is heated from the coolant once it gets hot, I get heat, so the engine was using the coolant that runs in the heaters to cool the bus down..... well no wonder it was so hot I had to turn it off lol!!!!!..... I just wish they would give me a NEW bus!!!!!!
Oh and don't forget to vote everyday for Tyler so we can win lots of cool prizes.... estimated at $50,000.00 click here to vote and thank-you.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Please, please vote

Well it is a day late but the voting has begun.... I wasn't able to find Seth's photo on the website, but Tyler's picture is in Photo Gallery 31 and he is #1586. Please go back every day and vote for Tyler... you can vote once a day and we need as many votes as possible so get as many people as you can to vote..... it goes by IP Address which means one vote per day per computer. Thank you for voting..... click here for the website

Friday, November 7, 2008

Pleast Vote for Seth and Tyler

Please vote for Seth and Tyler, on the Calgary's Cutest Kid Contest... I couldn't find the picture for Seth that I put up but here is the one I put up of Tyler. Please go back everyday and vote... it is based on your IP Address so you are allowed one vote per day.... this contest is based on votes ... I can win lots of prizes so get as many people as you can to vote for them as well... thank you. This starts November 10th, click the link or here to vote

Sunday, November 2, 2008

3 and a half blogs

Yesterday we went to a birthday party for Mathias 1st birthday. I made a giraffe cake and realized after that I forgot to do the hair in icing on the head, so it doesn't look like a giraffe. But the best part is, it took me two and a half hours to make it and less then 10 seconds for Rob to drop it.... lol! yes he dropped it.... I was able to salvage it cause it didn't drop on the floor, I just had to redo the icing on the top.

When Seth was a couple of months old I received a motorized John Deere , well more like I pushed and pushed to get it... lol!, one of the axles was broken because the children driving it didn't drive it properly. So my wonderful husband :) fixed it for Seth today and we let him drive it...... and it didn't take him long to figure it out.

And here we have 3 blogs in one..... Uncle Craig and I took Seth trick or treating..... he was so cute.... he had it all figured out. He knew that the bucket was for candy and people put it in there..... lol! Seth wouldn't let go of the bucket for anything. Seth was pooh bear and Tyler was Tiger. I posted pictures, to view them click Here... no click Here...... lol!!!! sorry lame sense of humor

Oh wait make that 3 and a half blogs..... The other day I was trying to get Seth to say "juice" and he kept pointing to the juice and he was using 2 syllables and it took me a bit to figure out that he was saying "juice Seth" lol!!! cause that is what we always say... "do you want juice Seth"..... the other thing he says to me is "Get It, Get It"..... I think it is the funniest thing..... both Rob and I have said it at times to Seth.