Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I am stressed beyond words. I am in so much pain. My family is going through the flu. Currently Seth has it and Tyler and I just finished it and I still have a cold. Also other stuff going on that is stressful.
As I said in the last post I was in the hospital on Sunday and they sent me for an ultrasound Monday. The doctor called me today to tell me that the baby is head down like he should be but the cord in hanging between his head and my cervix. It should have moved by now, so they have to give me weekly ultrasounds to see if it has moved. The next ultrasound is Monday. The options from here are to see if the cord does move and if it doesn't then I can have an induced controlled delivery or a c-section, around 38 weeks. The risk is if I go into labor he is likely to not survive, because the cord will slip out first and he will pinch the cord on his way out and cut off his oxygen supply. They told me that if my water breaks at home to lay on my back, stick 3 pillows under my hips and call an ambulance. WOW!! how do you even process that, when I had the boys the goal was to go into labor and have your water break, now my goal is to not go into labor, so my water doesn't break.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

There is a line when you are blogging and sharing information with your readers, it is make sure your parents know first. They shouldn't have to hear it from the blog or someone else who read the blog that told them.
On Sunday I was in the hospital because I caught the flu that was going around and being pregnant I got dehydrated really quickly, also I was puking up blood. The blood was just a tear in my throat, so it is sore but at least it wasn't an ulcer or something. When they hooked me up to monitor the baby, I was having contractions every 4 minutes, they went away as soon as I rolled to my side. They are always like that, and have been for about a week. The doctor scheduled me an ultrasound for yesterday, to make sure the baby wasn't coming early and if it showed he was they would have given me a shot of cortisone which would have developed his lungs quicker. They did a full ultrasound again which I don't think was necessary and it showed that the baby is 7.1 pounds and everything is developed so I am thinking he better come within the next 3 weeks or I am hooped, he will be a very big baby. If he does come within the next 3 weeks it will be the right timing for the first due date.
My mom is awesome and had the boys Saturday night anyway so she just kept them till today, so I could rest and rest I did for 12 hours straight. I am still tired, I had to force myself to go to work Monday afternoon because when I called in sick Monday morning 2 minutes after they turned the phones on 9 people had called in sick.
My last day will be November 7, there is this one student on the bus that stresses me out. He squeals at the top of his lungs for no reason and it is random, it makes my heart jump into my throat, keeping in mind I am driving, if he isn't doing that he is banging on the window, or tapping his seat. I can handle him tapping the seat if that keeps him busy and quiet but the other students don't like it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I went to the doctor today and Seth and Tyler came with me. Seth was really grumpy and when the doctor came in she said uh oh someone having a bad day? I then said to her yeah he is getting sick, and she chuckled and said and then the next day when they get sick you look back at the day before and think you are a terrible mom for getting upset with them and you didn't know they were getting sick. lol! my comment was I feel like I am bi-polar I couldn't understand why I just snapped at them, I am sick too. I really hate these times I feel like crap but still have to go to work and drag them along with me and I still have to do all the stuff that needs to be done.
The doctor said that the baby is measuring two weeks ahead of what they are saying I am. I am not worried about it though because Seth and Tyler were the same way. The ultrasound last week said he was 5 pounds. I still haven't gained any weight since the last appointment. I think that means I am way to busy lol! I have been doing really good with the gestational diabetes. I know that when I drink milk my sugars go high and when I eat corn with any other carbohydrate. I stopped testing for awhile and I told the person at the clinic my excuse is if I don't know what my sugars are at I wont eat the cookie but if I know they are low then I will probably eat 2 cookies, and my fingers hurt from testing, she chuckled and said we still need you to check them. So I'm back to poking my fingers.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I wish I could tell you everything I have been up to but I can't. It is definitely taking it's toll on me though. As you know I have gestational diabetes again. I seem to be doing really well with it. I look huge but I am measuring exactly the same as I did with the boys, two weeks ahead. I almost gained a pound from my last appointment 2 weeks ago. I am excited for next weeks ultrasound, I want to know that baby is healthy and a normal size. I feel so unprepared for this pregnancy or maybe it is just life is going by so fast I am having a hard time catching up. We don't have a name yet, but the diaper bag is packed and waiting in a safe spot at the top of the stairs, lol! the baby will end up being called the baby, just like we named our cat and never call her by her name she gets called kitty. The baby is so active all the time, for instance last night for 1.5 hours he took a 15 min break. Active as in you can see my tummy move for an hour and a half.
So a couple of weeks ago, Tyler was talking non stop for a week how he was a big boy and he was going to ride with no training wheels, lol! so Rob took them off and Tyler just started riding without them. WOW! I am so amazed makes me think we should have taken Seth's off a year ago. So Rob, Seth and Tyler go for bike rides and I get alone time.... :):):):) oh wait thats not my point. Tyler was so proud of himself he had to show mommy, Grandma and all of her kids. The only thing is he couldn't start out on his own. I am extremely sore from this pregnancy so if I want to do anything it has to be in the morning, but I decided to push myself the other night. I knew Rob wasn't going to be home till after 8 and the kids would be in bed. They were really bored so I decided to walk while they rode their bikes to the park, the only thing is I can't help Tyler all the time. So I thought I would show him how to do it and after a little of "I can't" he did it and then wouldn't let me help him. There was a guy standing there while I was teaching Tyler and his mouth dropped and was like I can't believe he can do that.
The boys are doing really well in school. Tyler goes twice a week and Seth goes Monday to Thursday and every second Friday.