Monday, July 25, 2011

We went to Robs appointment today, and the scan results are GREAT!! There is no spots of lymphoma, there are a few spots that are scar tissue. The doctor said that he is in a full remission. I was about to tell the doctor what Rob has been doing for the last week and the doctor stuck her fingers in her ears and said "lalala I don't want to hear it, lol what I don't know doesn't hurt me". It was so funny. So she said if he is ok to go back to work than go for it. He is going back to full duties starting Monday. So I did ask the question if he doesn't stay in remission what would the next step be and she said if in 6 to 12 months it came back they would do somewhat of the same procedure just more intense chemo, I thought this was pretty intense. So if it comes back in 10 years they would consider the same treatment. The options are not as bad as I thought they would be.

As for baby, he is very active. I have been off of the diclectin for the last week and I haven't been sick so I am happy to be done with that. I am so glad I starting making room for the baby now it is such a major job for me, I couldn't have done it at a later date. I had to move all my crafts downstairs and add another dresser to Tyler's room and make room for the baby in our room.

Seth and Tyler are doing really well too. Seth just went on a very long bike ride with daddy. They went down to the water, Tyler was too tired or we would have all went. Honestly I am happy he is too tired I went yesterday and my thighs hit my stomach so I can only handle so much.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My mom had a surprise party for Mark and I. My mom thought she was being so sneaky it was kinda cute. She told Mark it was a surprise for me and she told me it was a surprise for Mark. I clued in right away because she has never had a party for Mark that I can remember and certainly not a surprise party. It was a really nice night.
My mom gave me a memory gel foam for my bed it is so awesome, I had the best sleep ever. Mark and Loro gave me an air brush machine for cakes. Micheals is sold out of them so I have to wait until they get more in to get it but I am so excited for it.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July has been a great month I have enjoyed Rob being around. Last week Rob and I went camping with my mom and her kids in Wiaprous. The boys went to Vernon with Nana and Papa and they went camping. They had lots of stories to tell, so I know they had a great time. Rob and I had a good time as well, he went off quading for 4 hours a day with Brandon. I tried to go but I felt uncomfortable so I didn't go again. I think if I was under 3 months it would have been easier. I had a good time visiting with my mom. We brought a baby name book out to the woods it has over 100,000 names in it and we still don't have a name, I think that is the problem there were to many names to choose from.

When Seth and Tyler were camping with Nana and Papa they tried to go for a bike ride and Tyler just had the trike so he couldn't keep up with the kids, so they went to Canadian Tire and bought Seth this awesome bike, it has shocks, lol! Then they were able to give the little bike to Tyler and Seth had the new one and they were able to go on the bike ride. We had to take the bike apart to fit it in the car when we picked up the boys and when we got home Rob didn't put the training wheels on and thought he would see how Seth would do without them. Seth knew they were not on there and was willing to try, he got on and went for about 20 feet then almost hit a tree so he stopped and let the bike fall over a bit. After that he didn't fall, he rode his bike for an hour and a half. Rob had to help him start going for the first 45 min and then Rob got his bike out cause he couldn't keep up with the boys by foot, and Seth didn't have a problem starting out on his own. I was watching Seth learn to ride and of course I started crying, lol! Rob comes back and says well that was a good 3 second lesson. Seth has amazing balance and we think it is from all the time Rob spent holding Seth in the air on his bum. He learned balance at a young age. I have never seen a child just get on a bike and go, we asked Seth if he wanted his training wheels back on and he was so like NOOOO!! lol!! I remember when I learned to ride they took one training wheel off and then switched to the other side and then took them off, it was a long process not just bam take them off and I was good to go. Seth was so proud of himself Rob said every person they passed Seth said I can ride with no training wheels, he called Grandma to tell her and made sure that she told Norman, lol!

Rob is doing really well, when he wakes up and for most of the day he says his muscles are sore but he just keeps on going. He says I wont get better if I stay still. Today Rob is at the hospital getting a CT Scan that will show how large (small) the lyphoma is and it will show which ones are active if any. This scan should show lumps that will most likely be scar tissue and non should be active. I remember going through this part the last time he had chemo treatment and today is a very different feeling. Last time Rob even said I don't feel it is over. I didn't feel it was over because there is no closure to something like this. You really have to learn to live with it, or above it like I have, or you would just go mental. What I mean by living above it is I can handle anything and I will not let it slow me down, or harm my life and well being in any way. Wow that sounds like a AA meeting line, lol! So today's feeling is I am going to have a good week, we will see what the doctors say on Monday and go from there. I don't feel any what ifs like last time. I don't care what the next option is because we wont be needing it.
Robs hair is growing back and it is platinum WHITE, not grey or light brown it is as white as it gets lol. It is so soft just like when a baby is born. I think the biggest news of this post is Rob is going back to work about 2 months before the suggested minimum, he will be returning on August 1st, on my birthday, his supervisor said it was perfect for me, that was my present to get Rob out of my hair, lol! From the sounds of it Rob will be returning to work full time and full duties not light duties like we had thought. This is his choice he said he did not want to sit at a desk all day and he made a good point he has worked harder at home than he does at work. He has done a lot around here by choice.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

We went to Vernon for July long weekend to visit with family and watch them play baseball. The teams were great this year and we had a blast. They taught me how to keep score and I was so happy to be a part of the team because I couldn't play this year. Then we came home and Rob and the boys went camping with my mom, I followed a day later. We went to Old Macdonald farm for the week there was so much to do there. They had these pedal go carts you can rent, everyone loved them. They had mini golf, we didn't play this time because it was so nice out. The boys loved the beach and the water, they played there so much. I brought them these trucks that hold sand and then dump it and they loved it they just went in and out of the water with the trucks. They also had peddle boats you could rent but the day we were going to do it the wind was too strong. We had the best time there and want to go again next year. I only have a couple of pics because my mom dropped the camera in the sand so I let it dry out for the week. I think it is working now but when you turn it on and the lens comes out you can hear the sand grinding.
Now the boys are off to another week of camping with Nana and Grandpa. They are going to come home after 3 weeks of being outside and not want to come in. They have been gone for 5 minutes and I miss them already. Well I am off to get ready for work it is going to be great today.