Friday, April 29, 2011

Rob is still really nausea's I have no idea why either. He has been eating decently for not feeling well.
As for me this is the worst nausea I have had with either of the boys. I want to eat a whole roast dinner with potatoes and carrots, but I can't even handle soup. I am on anti-nausea from the doctor but it doesn't seem to be helping it completely. I went and calculated and realized I will be in my second trimester in 2 weeks, so hopefully that will help with nausea. I am a lot farther along then I thought. We have an ultrasound booked for June 27 and the due date is November 27-28. November will be cool, the birth date will be 11-11.
I have kinda left Seth and Tyler out of this too, because I feel guilty that I am not with them as much as I should be. Rob and I need a moment together that isn't filled with nausea or thinking about what is going on, but I feel bad that I don't want to take that moment and let my mom have the kids. I was talking to them the other day when they came back from Vernon, and I said that we could go see Daddy and they piped up that Daddy was in the hospital, then Seth goes he has no hair. lol!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rob is home now. It looks like his transplant is going to be delayed for a week because they want him on antibiotics. We get a break until Monday, Rob has to be back at the hospital for 9:30. to review the results of today's test. The test was to make sure that the lymphoma is gone or at the stage it should be.
Today at the hospital they closed the 6 elevators down on the side of the hospital where Rob was for a fire test, and then accidentally shut down all 14 in the hospital. They worked real quick and got 2 freight elevators working. Rob was on his way up from his CT Scan and saw a worker with lots of lunch trays he was on his way to deliver them. He had been waiting for an hour and a half for the elevator, but every time the doors opened on his floor there was a person in a bed, and he didn't fit, lots of people including Rob didn't get lunch today. So as soon as we got home I started supper, lol! poor guy.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rob says he feels like a junkie, they poked him 6 times yesterday to put an IV in him. The first two they put in stayed for the night but the next day they didn't work so they poked him 4 more times and the last one stuck and it HURTS him SO bad.
Today was a long day and I think tomorrow will be too. I went to work with the boys, took Seth to school, went to the doctor, came and visted Rob with the boys, walked 25 minutes to my bus, went back to work and now I am back at the hospital. My mom has the boys and I will be getting them around 9 tonight. Tomorrow looks like the same. See I am trying to be there for everyone.
The doctor said that she was thinking of sending Rob home tomorrow. He is doing so much better. They found the actual bug and put him on only one antibiotic.
Last night when I was leaving the hospital the nurse in charge stopped me to tell me that they found the source of infection for Rob it is his line and so they are removing it right away today. They don't usually find the source of these problems so it was nice that they did this time and they can treat it with the appropriate antibiotic. Which means it will clear faster. There is a slight chance that this will delay his transplant by about 1 week or so. We are not for sure on that though. I asked where it could have come from and the answer was just about anywhere. I think I wanted to know that is wasn't me. The nurse said that something on Robs skin could have started there and worked its way in and just kept building. So thank you to all who prayed for Rob on Saturday night we are lucky to know what the problem is so we can eliminate and solve it. They will put in a new CVC line on the other side of his chest when it comes time to do the transplant. Last night they had put two IV's in him one on each arm, I feel so bad for him because he can only sleep on his back now.
I also wanted to note on yesterdays post that you are to read it just the way it is and not between the lines. I am not saying I will lose the baby I am just saying, why I told you so early.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I couldn't even sell my story people wouldn't buy it. This much stuff doesn't happen to one family at the same time. Rob is back in the hospital and they don't know what is wrong with him. He has a fever that is really high 41.7 which is 106. They do not know why, they have taken many blood samples and swabs in his nose. They have him on 3 different antibiotics along with the 2 he takes by pill form. He has been sick for about 5 days and when we called the doctor there wasn't anyone in on the weekends so she said he wouldn't probably sit there all weekend and it sounded like it was viral and there isn't much you can do with a viral infection. We had some appointments today so we came in and they are keeping him here. They give him Demerol when he shakes just before he gets a fever. That helps with the shakes it calms his muscles down. The issue is his organs are getting really hot, when he has a fever his toes are cold it is so weird. His blood pressure is so low it is crazy, and his kidneys are really irritated.
So when Rob came to the hospital this morning I went to the emergency room. I have been so sick for the past week and 10 days was enough. The nurse took some blood and a urine sample and pushed on my stomach and said does this hurt on my right side, and yes it hurt really bad. The doctor came in and pushed and guess what IT STILL HURT, lol she sent me down for an ultrasound to look at my appendix because the pain was in that spot. They couldn't see anything and couldn't send me for an MRI or CT Scan to see my appendix because the urine sample told them I am pregnant. I need to watch my appendix for the next couple days. Based on my calculations I am 8 weeks pregnant. You ask yourself why am I taking a risk and telling you so soon, it is because if you see me walking down the street in a month with no belly and a sad face you wont have to ask whats wrong.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I know it has been a while let me tell you why. I thought there was something wrong with me it all started 9 days ago, I woke up nausea's and didn't really think anything maybe I was just stressed, so I went to work stopped and got some gingerale and continued on with my day, the weekend and into the next week, waking up not eating just drinking gingerale until about suppertime, then I felt better and would eat a little, just to wake up to the same thing the next day. I called in sick on Thursday because I was puking and realized it wasn't just stress, well and Rob caught it too so then I knew it was a flu. Rob has been sick for about 5 days and has been puking for the last 2 days. It is so sad around here, we were sitting on the couch yesterday so sick, with gingerale, crackers, and water beside us so we didn't have to move and we would pass it back and forth. With this sickness gravol doesn't even help. Robs fever has continually been over 40. The doctor said that this is viral and there is nothing they can do about it, if it was bacterial they could give him antibiotics. So we are just two sick people trying to help each other out. I am feeling a little better today but that is because I haven't eaten, it seems to make it worse, it is like a 24 hour flu everyday. Tomorrow we have to go to the hospital for tests and x-rays they want to make sure the line is in place, for transplant May 3, all though with Rob being sick if he is not ok by then they will have to delay the transplant. Then on Tuesday we drive out to Golden to get the boys, they went to Vernon for Easter.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I posted the picture of the Pops I said I was making today. You can see them at I had fun making them. Last month Robs mom and Aunt came to visit and we started and finished a puzzle, it was really neat I liked it because it was rectangle not the normal square.
As for Rob he is doing really well, he worked on his RC car for a few hours today. We went to a friends house today for my friends daughters birthday party. Rob is a little tired but he had a nap today. He is doing amazing, I would say he is a little stir crazy, he is so bored, I feel so bad for him. We have a bunch of appointments on Tuesday, one I am interested in is with the Dietician and they will tell us exactly what he can and cannot have.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Good morning I have about 10 min before I need to go to work. I haven't posted lately because there hasn't really been anything to say. Rob is home and is doing really well. He has to take pills at 8AM 12PM 4PM 8PM and 10PM. I get his 8AM ready and he is awesome about taking the rest on time as well. He is taking 2 different antibiotics and I don't like that he taking them. He doesn't have an infection it is just in case he gets one, so I really don't like it. The other pills are potassium, and one that is for heartburn and acid reflux.
Rob doesn't do marathons or anything but he is doing amazing it doesn't strain him to go up and down the stairs. I think he might be getting a little bored though from not working.
Robs brother and sister in-law were here this week, they were such a help at getting Rob up and moving and getting him to eat. Last night Robs Aunty Margaret and Uncle Dave came to visit, we didn't even know they pulled up at the house and I was watching out the window and it took me a few seconds to put it all together, I recognized them and I said to Rob look who is here I couldn't tell him who it was though, lol!! It was unexpected and really nice to see them.
I am excited to make cake Pops today and tomorrow for my friends daughters birthday, it is an outlet for me, some people like to sit and read a book, I like to make Pops.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Wow it has been a crazy day. I went to work this morning then to the hospital for the day and went back to work for the afternoon, made supper, went to wal-mart to fill Robs prescriptions, cleaned the kitchen and bathroom. I am exhausted. Rob is home now his brother and sister in-law are here and were at the hospital all day so they drove him home.
Today Rob's white blood count was really high 9.6 so they took his stem cells out. He sat hooked up to a machine that took blood out and put the blood back in. They were looking for a 555 billion stem cell count, they went past 570 billion. He was on the machine for about 4 hours which is really good, normally it is longer than that and this process can last up to 3 days 6 hours a day.
Something I learned the other day that was really interesting I thought I would share it with you. Stem cells turn into other cells, and nutrifils are part of the white blood cell, that is actually your immune system. Rob has lots of nutrifils, right now so his immune system is ok. The nutrifils are the mature stem cells, so they know that you have had that cold before, and that vaccine before. They are going to give him one more shot of chemo and then give him his stem cells back. It will kill all remaining cells and that is why he will have to have vaccines again because his stem cells wont know that he has had them. It is like a bone marrow transplant with your own stem cells. It will be really hard on his body because it will be so confused. Rob had another platelet transfusion today, because they were too low and his blood wouldn't clot. He had a reaction to it, he had rashes all over but they cleared after some time.
I cracked today, Rob didn't want to get up and move, or eat. I snapped there were some words exchanged and he ate everything on the plate. Then the doctor visited him and told him to go home. Imagine that he did just fine, and he is doing really well now. I think you lose the fight in the hospital because you know they will fight for you if something goes wrong.
There was a question in the comments on the last blog and he gets his stem cells back in May and the projected date to leave the hospital is May 19, just in time for our 6 anniversary, too bad we wont be doing anything for that. He has to be really careful about where he goes and what he eats. See God is really smart we aren't born with teeth so we can't eat vegetables unless they are soft and fully cooked, which means they would have been washed and all bugs would have been removed. You wouldn't give your baby mayo, or jam because they wont be eating toast or sandwiches. Rob has to watch what he eats, like really wash the lettuce and tomato. He can only have condiments if they are individually packaged. So see your baby wouldn't have to worry about all the things that could go wrong with food. Rob has to watch because he will have a weak immune system.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

This post goes to Seth and Tyler. I miss my boys so much. One day I will tell them all about this but I hope till then when this is over they forget all about it. The boys have my mom, so I need to be with Rob. I was going to leave last night and his fever spiked and he was shaking, all he wanted was for me to just be there, I don't need to say anything, just be there. It is hard to watch Rob with a fever of 40.2 he is not functional, and sometimes I forget that because there are no other signs like puking or a cold. Rob is such a fighter. I just want to stand by their daddy so he can get better and be there for them. I should go to bed instead of writing this because I am a little emotional. I was thinking I just want a normal day with my boys, I was complaining that I take the boys with me to work I thought that was hard, I would love to take them to work with me right now. Sometimes the boys frustrate me, right now I would take that frustration, because that is normal, missing them is not a normal thing a parent should have to go through, unless of course you are on a vacation, this is no vacation. I complain about all the laundry they make, I would love to do their laundry right now. I wanted them to grow up and dress themselves, I would love to dress them right now. The worst part of being a parent for me is bum wiping, I would love to just wipe their bum. It is sad that they have to go through this right now, but everything happens for a reason. We can not have children anymore and if we didn't have them when we did and so close together they would have never been born. When I see the boys it feels strange like they don't want me there in the sense that if I am not going home with you I would rather not see you at all. I know that is not the case, their world has been turned upside down, they don't get it and I don't know what to do about it. I want things to be as normal as possible for them but every time I try there is a hiccup. They have to go to my moms because Rob got sick and was back in the hospital, they had to go back to my moms because they caught a cold and couldn't be around daddy. I was going to put this yesterday but I forgot. The shots that Rob is receiving makes his bones throb so bad that he doesn't want to move. It is like a pulsing sensation that doesn't go away and tylenol doesn't even touch it. Morphine seems to dull it enough for it to be bareable for him. They took Rob off of the second antibiotic that was making him so sick. I am trying to push him a little, but he hasn't been eating and is really dizzy when he sits up and he puked again this morning. It is so hard I am trying to push him to fight for this but he just wants to lay there and not move. He is not eating which is half of the problem, he does so much better at home, but he wont fight to get out of bed. The nurse was saying that this is normal because his body is working so hard right now. Robs counts today White blood cell 3.1, a huge jump they took a blood sample today and then they will take one tomorrow morning to see how many are actually floating in the blood Red blood cells are 110 Platelets are 22, this is really slow but is much better than yesterday. There is a creatin that is released in your body by your kidney that you have to watch because if it gets really high it can damage your kidney. Robs is borderline, so they want him to drink more and they put him on an IV so that it will filter out his kidney. Rob is having a nap right now and his whole body keeps jumping as if someone is poking him. It is the injection that is making his bone marrow work and that is what is hurting him.
Yesterday was a bad day for Rob, he came in here at 8AM like we have been doing all week and the doctor came into see him and looked at his line, and put him back on the second antibiotic. We don't know if he had a reaction to the drug or if he would have had a fever anyway. His fever has gone as high as 40.2 (104.36). The swelling in his line has gone down now. They are trying to save the CVC line because they need it to take his stem cells out. The CVC line is in a large vein that can handle the high volume of blood going out and in at the same time. This morning Rob woke up to some guy pacing back and forth with his IV line and Rob said to him I think you need to leave, and the guy goes why I was just looking out the window and Rob said GET out, lol!! then as if that wasn't enough, Rob got up to shower this morning and came out of the bathroom and there were 3 people standing there waiting for him, apparently they had the wrong room. Good thing he came out dressed. Rob told the nurse so she put a name tag on his door and said that should help as long as people stop and look at the name on the door, lol! Robs counts for today White blood cells .7 just a reminder the normal is 4-11 this is right on schedule they are happy with this number tomorrow we should see 2.0 or 3.0 Red blood cells are 105 normal is 137-180 this is down from yesterday and is normal since he had a fever Platelets are 15 normal is 150-400 Yesterday we had a little scare with oxygen. Last time Rob was on chemo the doctor said don't go scuba diving and don't go on oxygen. The reason is one of the drugs he was on last time affects the lungs and oxygen is actually poison to the lungs. Rob reminded me as he was on it and had been for about an hour that he wasn't supposed to be, so I took off to the nurses station and was tying to spit it out but it wasn't coming I was trying to stay calm. I finally got it out and she came and took him off of it and checked his oxygen levels and he was maintaining a 93 on his own normally he is 97 and they like to put you on oxygen below 90 he was at 87 when they put him on. Another scare yesterday Rob was really dizzy which is not normal so they took blood cultures to see if that would tell us why, we wont find out till Monday. Also another thing we have been wondering about since the beginning was Robs blood type and he is A+. All this awareness about blood type is making me think more and more everyday that I should go and donate my blood. I am O- anyone can receive my blood. Rob is doing ok today, nothing really on the schedule today I am going to try and get him to go for a walk because it is so nice outside, but if he is not up for it then maybe tomorrow. Today I am going to take a moment for me I will probably feel guilty the whole time but I am doing it anyway. I am going to get a pedicure then go for supper with my boys.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Yesterday after I posted I was asked by Tina is it normal for the platelets to go down the next day after it went up the day before? I wasn't sure so I asked the doctor and she said that platelets have a life span. That is so cool, I thought it was like a blood transfusion where the blood just stays with you. Rob is having problems with his CVC line, his body is trying to get it out. The doctor wants to put him back on the second antibiotic. The room Rob is in today in the hospital is so small, it is about the size of a queen size bed, lol I am not even joking. He has to stay in the hospital now until his line is better or until his counts come up. He can go home till 11PM then he has to sleep here for the night, he says lay here for the night. He doesn't get much sleep when he is here. He is so irritated that he has to stay the night at the hospital, I feel so bad for him. White blood cells are 0.2 Red blood cells are 116 Platelets are 15 Everything went up so his body is responding to the injections so that is a good thing. They were going to put him on double shots today but because it went up they want to see what it will come up to tomorrow. Robs weight for today is 204 pounds he is doing so awesome with that. I should have said this before but Rob is doing really well. He stays outside with the boys, he dismantled a bbq and threw it out, he washed the bus and jeep with the pressure washer. He is such a fighter I am so proud of him.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I think I forgot to mention that Rob had low potassium, I did not know this but it is an electrolyte. It helps your muscles, I remember when I was pregnant and I kept getting charlies because I was low in potassium. They said he is borderline low, the reason they need to keep it up is your heart is a muscle and if it doesn't have the potassium it needs then you could be at risk of a heart attack. I said what about eating a banana and the nurse said yes but it is too low at this point, he would have to eat too many bananas. His potassium is up to 3.5 now, so he is good the normal level is 3.3 to 5.1. His White .1, Red is 111 and platelets went down to 13. We went the apheresis interview today and they showed us the machine that they will be hooking Rob up to. It takes 200ml of blood to fill the machine. There is a constant flow of blood going out and blood going in. It filters 4 litres of blood every hour. When the blood is in the machine there is a centrifuge that spins and will collect the stem cells. It is able to do this because the stem cells are a different density than the other cells. They will be at the top and the machine will skim them off the top. When they have enough stem cells which is billions then they will remove him from the machine. He will most likely be on it all day. He is not allowed to move away from the machine or be unhooked from it. This process can make you low on calcium so they run calcium in the return blood line. If you have to low of calcium your lips and tongue can get tingly and if you have too much calcium then you can get a little hot. I was listening to the radio this morning and they said that the tsunami warning in Japan was lifted after a 7.4 earthquake hit them. The DJ on the radio then said I am so thankful to be living in the beautiful country, and for a moment I thought to myself yeah right walk in my shoes, then I stopped feeling sorry for myself and said yes I am thankful for this beautiful country as well. In Japan if the earthquake brought disaster to your life it probably brought disaster to your family as well, and they wouldn't be able to help you until they helped themselves. We have family that is able to help us. We have awesome health care. Rob started losing his hair yesterday, even his eyebrow hair.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rob started his injections to boost his stem cells today. The nurse taught me how to do it because when his white cell count comes up he can stop the antibiotics and he wont have to go to the hospital everyday, which means they will give us the needle and I will do it at home. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I went on a 45 degree angle and the needle is really short so it stops just beneath under his skin. It goes in his stomach and the nurse said there isn't really anything there that I could hit. Rob said the last time he had them he could always feel it and it was uncomfortable, this time he didn't really feel it.
Rob's white blood count is .1 and his red is 119, and his platelets went up to 20. His weight went up to 236.6.
A couple of days ago I had to go to totem to get something to fix the bathroom sink with. When I got there I was explaining to the guy what I needed and he didn't really see how that would fix the problem so I said to him "It's ok my husband knows what he needs to fix the problem, he's just not allowed to leave the house", lol sometimes I should stop and think before talking but realized it was to late so why not have some fun, the guy was looking at me funny and so I said "I have him on a tight leash", lol!! I couldn't keep a straight face, because his chin hit the floor and he looked away, and was probably thinking I am going to stay away from that conversation, lol then I told him that it was because he didn't have an immune system. Lol!! it was fun but I will be more careful next time.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Rob came back to the hospital this morning at 8AM and me and the boys did the school run, went home and got the Jeep and came back to the hospital. Rob had to get a platelet transfusion, his platelets were at 11 and they want to keep them above 10. The bag was orange it was so weired, I thought it was going to be a blood transfusion but it is just platelets. His white blood cells stayed the same at .2 and his weight is 235.7. Last night went well with the pump at home I had to take a syringe and put it in his lumen (one of the 3 lines hanging from his CVC) and pull it back till I see blood, to make sure that it is still in a vein and then I flush it again. Then I hook up the antibiotics and they run for 30 min, then I flush again with saline and flush with Heparin so his blood doesn't clot in the line, when I do this step I have to clamp his line closed as I am pushing so it creates a negative pressure in the line. Rob gets to go home early today with 3 doses of antibiotics that I will hook have to hook up. Rob ate really well at home yesterday, apparently it is just the food here that got to him and why he doesn't eat here. Rob will start his injections tomorrow, they are going to teach me how to do them. I am a little nervous but I think I will be ok. I was thinking yesterday how I like to know the reason behind the step, it is a good thing and a bad thing. If I know why and how then I don't miss a step, for example clamping the line closed when putting the heparin to create a negative pressure, now I wont forget that step. What bothers me the most about it all is where did Rob get the lymphoma from. I know no one has the answer and we will probably never know.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Rob is not allowed to have flowers because they have little bugs in them, or plants for the same reason. He is not allowed to have latex balloons either, because so many people are allergic to latex. I should have said this awhile back but I was a little embarrassed, because they said he could have balloons but they meant the tinfoil ones not the regular balloons. I went and bought a bouquet of balloons, it was so cute too my mom, the Rabbits, Seth, Tyler and myself all signed a balloon. Seth's was a baby lion, that he did. Tyler did a really big flower, my mom helped him. And mine said in sickness and in health I do. Robs counts for today are White blood cells .2 awesome they went up on their own. He will still have to have the injections starting Thursday. Red blood cells are 115. and platelets are 14. They will do a blood transfusion under 10. I am a universal donor but they wont let me give in directly because it has to go through a whole screening and filtering process, and is monitored by the blood bank. I am going to start tracking his weight on here as well. Today is 233.5 pounds. Just a brief history on weight, 2 weeks before he was admitted to the hospital a really nasty flu went around our house and he lost about 20 pounds. So he came to the hospital at 246.9 pounds. So a total weight loss of 13.4 pounds, we think that is pretty good. The dietitian said he should be eating 3,000 calories a day so today he has about 400 calories. Rob gets to go home for the night, he has to return tomorrow at 8AM. They are sending us home with a pump and 2 doses of antibiotics, they have to be refrigerated and every 3rd dose they have to check the enzymes in his liver to make sure it is not damaging it. I will have to hook up the antibiotics to his IV line, and flush his lines, there is 10ml of saline and then 5ml of Heparin, it is to make it so that the blood in his line doesn't clot. I will have to do that at 8PM and 2AM, they both run for 30 min, and then have to be flushed after as well. Rob said that it tastes awful, like a metallic taste, it is hard to describe I just know what he means because of the last treatment he went through I could smell it on his breath.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rob is still in the hospital we were hoping he would be able to go on a pass until Thursday but he is on 2 different antibiotics that both run at 1AM. The pump they would send us home with can only handle one line at a time. Hopefully tomorrow the tests will come back negative and he can go home till Thursday, when the injection to boost his stem cells start. His white blood cells remained at .1 and his platelets dropped to 21. This is normal, when he receives his injections starting Thursday, they will bring up his stem cell count and that will bring up all his counts. Rob is doing really well. We just went for a walk outside and when we came back to the room he said he was tired and now he is having a nap. I would like to say I know that you may not like everything you read on here but I wish there was more awareness of stem cell transplant and living with Cancer. When someone says I know someone who had cancer, the front of your brain says wow that is terrible I am sorry, but the back of your mind doesn't allow you to think about it because you don't know anything about it. Even still we are learning different things about stem cell transplant, even after reading the big booklet they gave us on the procedure. I would like to take a moment to say Thank you to Melanie for your comments on a previous post. The best response when someone is going through cancer treatment or someone standing beside, is you are doing a great job, you made the right choice. You may not know this, people living with cancer have the option not to take treatment, and sometimes you question was this the right choice, and yes it absolutely was. Another thing you could say other than sorry is stay strong, you guys can make it through this. I know everything is for a season, except maybe winter 2011 in Calgary. It hasn't stopped, lol!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Robs counts today are really low, white blood cells are .1, he has absolutely no immune system. Even the antibiotics they are giving him might be ineffective, because they have nothing to work on. His platelets are at 28, he has to be careful he can't even get a bruise. Rob and I went for a walk, he did really well. He is bugging me, it is nice to see him doing so well. I put a strawberry airwick in Robs room, that seems to make a huge difference, it smells good in here.

Friday, April 1, 2011

They warned us about mouth sores in the beginning of this and Rob woke up this morning with 2 of them. There were preventive measures which was to swish and spit with club soda, it burns so bad the carbon fisses and takes the dead cells off that build bacteria. This morning Rob tried to use that and started puking instantly. Seth comes to me and says mommy, daddy needs you! I went to Rob and asked him if he sent Seth to me, Rob said no he didn't. Awww Seth is so sweet he knew daddy needed help, good man. I have been trying to post since 9AM, Rob had a bad headache so I went to the hospital and picked up some codiene for him, it didn't touch his headache. Then when I got home I tried again to post and Rob went to lay down so I followed and he said I am hot so I took his temperature and it said 38.5 on my oral thermometer they say to add .5 to it so I checked it against theirs and I now know to add .2 to it. So they said to take him into the hospital when it is at 38.5, so we are at the hospital now. We have been here since about 12:30 this afternoon. They said that this COULD happen and if it does they will take blood samples and cultres. We will not know the results of it until 48 hours. He has maintained a fever of 37.5 since we have been here. I asked if they would have made him come in at 37.5 and they said they would have asked me to monitor it and after awhile if it didn't go away then he would have come in. The reason this is serious is if there is something in his blood it can spike instantly. Since Rob has been here his nausea is out of control I think that the hospital smell gets to him, so I am going to buy an airwick freshner so we can open it and close it. Hopefully that will help. I also had him on a tight schedule for nausea medication. This is so hard because I he was doing so much better at home yesterday and today. He watched tv, played games and got after the kids when they weren't listening. There was a steady increase of getting better, now there is a steady decrease. We also learned today that this is the easy part it gets much worse. It is just one thing after another, our bathroom sink is leaking, Rob told me how to fix it, that should prove to be interesting, it is like telling Rob how to cook dinner, it all sounds French. lol!