Friday, April 29, 2011

Rob is still really nausea's I have no idea why either. He has been eating decently for not feeling well.
As for me this is the worst nausea I have had with either of the boys. I want to eat a whole roast dinner with potatoes and carrots, but I can't even handle soup. I am on anti-nausea from the doctor but it doesn't seem to be helping it completely. I went and calculated and realized I will be in my second trimester in 2 weeks, so hopefully that will help with nausea. I am a lot farther along then I thought. We have an ultrasound booked for June 27 and the due date is November 27-28. November will be cool, the birth date will be 11-11.
I have kinda left Seth and Tyler out of this too, because I feel guilty that I am not with them as much as I should be. Rob and I need a moment together that isn't filled with nausea or thinking about what is going on, but I feel bad that I don't want to take that moment and let my mom have the kids. I was talking to them the other day when they came back from Vernon, and I said that we could go see Daddy and they piped up that Daddy was in the hospital, then Seth goes he has no hair. lol!!

1 comment:

Mellie B. said...

AWWww kids are precious!!! hope things slow down abit for you! Thats cool that your further along!! thats every pregnant ladys dream :) Love ya