Saturday, April 9, 2011

Yesterday was a bad day for Rob, he came in here at 8AM like we have been doing all week and the doctor came into see him and looked at his line, and put him back on the second antibiotic. We don't know if he had a reaction to the drug or if he would have had a fever anyway. His fever has gone as high as 40.2 (104.36). The swelling in his line has gone down now. They are trying to save the CVC line because they need it to take his stem cells out. The CVC line is in a large vein that can handle the high volume of blood going out and in at the same time. This morning Rob woke up to some guy pacing back and forth with his IV line and Rob said to him I think you need to leave, and the guy goes why I was just looking out the window and Rob said GET out, lol!! then as if that wasn't enough, Rob got up to shower this morning and came out of the bathroom and there were 3 people standing there waiting for him, apparently they had the wrong room. Good thing he came out dressed. Rob told the nurse so she put a name tag on his door and said that should help as long as people stop and look at the name on the door, lol! Robs counts for today White blood cells .7 just a reminder the normal is 4-11 this is right on schedule they are happy with this number tomorrow we should see 2.0 or 3.0 Red blood cells are 105 normal is 137-180 this is down from yesterday and is normal since he had a fever Platelets are 15 normal is 150-400 Yesterday we had a little scare with oxygen. Last time Rob was on chemo the doctor said don't go scuba diving and don't go on oxygen. The reason is one of the drugs he was on last time affects the lungs and oxygen is actually poison to the lungs. Rob reminded me as he was on it and had been for about an hour that he wasn't supposed to be, so I took off to the nurses station and was tying to spit it out but it wasn't coming I was trying to stay calm. I finally got it out and she came and took him off of it and checked his oxygen levels and he was maintaining a 93 on his own normally he is 97 and they like to put you on oxygen below 90 he was at 87 when they put him on. Another scare yesterday Rob was really dizzy which is not normal so they took blood cultures to see if that would tell us why, we wont find out till Monday. Also another thing we have been wondering about since the beginning was Robs blood type and he is A+. All this awareness about blood type is making me think more and more everyday that I should go and donate my blood. I am O- anyone can receive my blood. Rob is doing ok today, nothing really on the schedule today I am going to try and get him to go for a walk because it is so nice outside, but if he is not up for it then maybe tomorrow. Today I am going to take a moment for me I will probably feel guilty the whole time but I am doing it anyway. I am going to get a pedicure then go for supper with my boys.


Chantelle said...

don't feel quilty! You deserve it, you are doing such an amazing job and in order for you to be the most available for Rob you need to take some rejuvenating for yourself.

Jessica deLeeuw said...

You will feel guilty because you are an amazing wife that loves your husband through sickness and health! But you are doing the right thing in taking an hour to relax.... You absolutely deserve it! Enjoy it!!! love u!