Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rob is home now. It looks like his transplant is going to be delayed for a week because they want him on antibiotics. We get a break until Monday, Rob has to be back at the hospital for 9:30. to review the results of today's test. The test was to make sure that the lymphoma is gone or at the stage it should be.
Today at the hospital they closed the 6 elevators down on the side of the hospital where Rob was for a fire test, and then accidentally shut down all 14 in the hospital. They worked real quick and got 2 freight elevators working. Rob was on his way up from his CT Scan and saw a worker with lots of lunch trays he was on his way to deliver them. He had been waiting for an hour and a half for the elevator, but every time the doors opened on his floor there was a person in a bed, and he didn't fit, lots of people including Rob didn't get lunch today. So as soon as we got home I started supper, lol! poor guy.

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