Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Last night when I was leaving the hospital the nurse in charge stopped me to tell me that they found the source of infection for Rob it is his line and so they are removing it right away today. They don't usually find the source of these problems so it was nice that they did this time and they can treat it with the appropriate antibiotic. Which means it will clear faster. There is a slight chance that this will delay his transplant by about 1 week or so. We are not for sure on that though. I asked where it could have come from and the answer was just about anywhere. I think I wanted to know that is wasn't me. The nurse said that something on Robs skin could have started there and worked its way in and just kept building. So thank you to all who prayed for Rob on Saturday night we are lucky to know what the problem is so we can eliminate and solve it. They will put in a new CVC line on the other side of his chest when it comes time to do the transplant. Last night they had put two IV's in him one on each arm, I feel so bad for him because he can only sleep on his back now.
I also wanted to note on yesterdays post that you are to read it just the way it is and not between the lines. I am not saying I will lose the baby I am just saying, why I told you so early.


Amy St. Pierre said...

Wow, that must have been a shock-we are still praying for you guys, hang in there, it WILL get better-luv ya Victoria, you are such an inspiration-if you need anything you know you can call anytime!

Mellie B. said...

Na i call that normal mother fear. I mean it may happen it may not but the best thing you can do for your baby is believe that is is strong like daddy and will be a surviver!! better be a girl!! Only 4 weeks left of worry prego time...