Saturday, April 2, 2011

Robs counts today are really low, white blood cells are .1, he has absolutely no immune system. Even the antibiotics they are giving him might be ineffective, because they have nothing to work on. His platelets are at 28, he has to be careful he can't even get a bruise. Rob and I went for a walk, he did really well. He is bugging me, it is nice to see him doing so well. I put a strawberry airwick in Robs room, that seems to make a huge difference, it smells good in here.

1 comment:

Mellie B. said...

Aww -I would like to rant here aboout stupid cancer and stupid this and stupid that but it wouldnt help im sure you've covered all that and much more (mayby not in such nice language) Thinking and praying you both!!

And don't wonder when Rob gets better why he will never eat strawberries again!!

Much love!