Here are some before and after pictures of our house. we had the wall on the right side of the pictures removed. It is the wall between the kitchen and the dinning area. The kitchen was big enough that we could have a small table in there and then we were supposed to have another dinning table where you see the white ball light hanging. The living space was to small for that so we had the wall removed, and added an island. It may not seem like a huge difference to you but that is probably me taking pictures.
And After
now when people come we turn the table the other way and there is lots of room.
For the past 4 days my Brother and sister in-law, niece and nephew have been staying with us. We had a really great time, on Saturday we went to Clay for Kids, we had a good time but we wouldn't go back again. My boys made me a plate with their hand print in it. They turned out really well. Then for mothers day I helped my niece and nephew make cinnamon buns for their mom. Then we went to Lets Play it is so awesome. They have 4 levels of jungle gyms and the adults can even go in there. I did for a little but then I banged my glasses so I stopped. Then we went to the Zoo yesterday. We took the train in and Seth loved it, he sees the train and talks about it all the time. When we got off Tyler was like more mommy. Tyler and I didn't walk through the dinosaur part but Rob and Seth did. Rob said that Seth was afraid of the dinosaurs because they make noise now and move. As long as Seth stayed in the cart he was fine. Then we went to Chuck e cheese. We had a great weekend with lots of exercise. I look forward to our time together with family.