Tuesday, January 24, 2012

today is Tyler's 4th birthday, Seth and Tyler will be 4 for the net 3 weeks. I wanted to share some funny things that happened today. I told Tyler this morning he was 4 now and he was so excited he wanted to tell Norman ( one of my moms foster children). Then he was telling Seth and Seth asks me am I 5 now? lol I said not till next month and he goes ok then says to Tyler let me check, he stands by him and says nope I'm taller.
I had sent them to their room because they were not listening, and Tyler pops his head out knocks on Seth's door and says trick or treat, lol then a few minutes later pops out knocks on Seth's door again and goes ding dong! lol crazy kids.
Zander and I are doing great, I can't believe how different a 3rd child can be. It is wonderful, if I had known it was going to be like this I would have 10 more lol! He has been sleeping through the night since he was 5 weeks old. He sleeps for about 7 hours.

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