Wednesday, August 13, 2008


The other day I think it was Thursday of last week Seth fell down 7 stairs, that have tile on them. Ever since then he has been really whiny and it has been driving me nuts. So when I was at the doctors today I asked him about it and the craziest thing. He said that Seth probably has a headache and that sometimes you can have a headache up till a month later but Seth is not able to tell me that. So I did give him tylenol for the day after it happened but I never thought he would have a headache 6 days later.

1 comment:

Rachel R said...

Aww poor kid... Doesn't it break your heart that they can't communicate with words when they're feeling pain? It's just like, there's nothing you can do except guess.

I love seeing pictures of your boys. They are adorable!
