Saturday, December 19, 2009

I don't even know if anyone reads this blog anymore but here goes. Craig, Izabel, Rob and I went to the Chili Thai Club House it is on 17th Ave SW and it is so cute, the silverware is so cool. It is fancy and tastes so good. We ordered this one spicy curry dish that was good to us except Rob. When we left there I asked him if the dish was just spicy or if he didn't like it. He said that it tasted like spicy soap, lol!!, I think it was the reaction from having chemo on Wednesday. The chemo leaves a rotten egg taste in his mouth, or sometimes a metallic taste. So I guess some things don't mix well with it, I was laughing really hard cause he said my soap eating days are over I was not going to eat that. Then we went and watched New Moon, it was not as good as I had hoped for, the book was WAY better. It felt like things were too rushed and an over reaction to get across the point that something was dangerous. Izabel made a good point it is hard to make romance an action.

On another note I was driving to my moms today and I had to slam on the brakes and I skidded a little cause someone decided to stop on a yield and no one was around, and Seth goes "uuuhhhh!! careful mommy", I thought it was so cute I just said awww! thanks Seth I will. So now I am having an issue of Seth not wanting to clean up the toys. We asked him to help Rob and Tyler clean up the bedroom, it was a disaster, and he said no, so he sat in the hall while Rob and Tyler cleaned up. Rob saved some of the toys and Seth had to go in there and clean up a little when Rob and Tyler were done, and Seth did clean them up but it was probably cause he didn't want to sit in the hall again. Then a couple of hours later it was time for supper and I asked them to clean up the mess they made and Seth again said no to us and Tyler cleaned up his toys. So Seth sat there and I told him he had to clean up his toys before he came for supper, I asked him if he wanted salad with his supper he loves salad and I was trying to bribe him and he said yes but still wouldn't clean up the toys, so we started eating I didn't even get one bite in and he quickly cleaned up all the toys and sat down and ate dinner with us. I couldn't believe that he did that twice in one day and I have no idea what to do about it, I am crossing my fingers that he doesn't do it again.

Tyler has an amazing vocabulary, he talks so much and it is really easy to understand him too. Tyler wakes up in the middle of the night crying at least once a night and sometimes up to 3 times a night. I am not sure if it is night mares or growing pains. Rob said he grew really quickly and remembers having them.

This post is all over the place so why not add another to it, I am excited about tomorrow well considering the time of this post I guess it would be tonight, I am some friends over for tacos, home made apple cheesecake and games, it is going to be a fun night.


Amy St. Pierre said...

I read it!

Mairs said...

I can't read yours though, you made it private and I can't see it now...... my e-mail is

Amy St. Pierre said...

Nope, mine is not private, I changed it, sorry I didn't tell

Chantelle said...

I still read it!! Don't stop :)

Mellie B. said...

BTW - The cheescake was AMAZING!! Anytime you have extra apples think of me :) Love you and your fam TONS!! Have a great christmas and new years!!!!!

Vanessa Loyer Photography said...

I still read it!