Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rob is still in the hospital we were hoping he would be able to go on a pass until Thursday but he is on 2 different antibiotics that both run at 1AM. The pump they would send us home with can only handle one line at a time. Hopefully tomorrow the tests will come back negative and he can go home till Thursday, when the injection to boost his stem cells start. His white blood cells remained at .1 and his platelets dropped to 21. This is normal, when he receives his injections starting Thursday, they will bring up his stem cell count and that will bring up all his counts. Rob is doing really well. We just went for a walk outside and when we came back to the room he said he was tired and now he is having a nap. I would like to say I know that you may not like everything you read on here but I wish there was more awareness of stem cell transplant and living with Cancer. When someone says I know someone who had cancer, the front of your brain says wow that is terrible I am sorry, but the back of your mind doesn't allow you to think about it because you don't know anything about it. Even still we are learning different things about stem cell transplant, even after reading the big booklet they gave us on the procedure. I would like to take a moment to say Thank you to Melanie for your comments on a previous post. The best response when someone is going through cancer treatment or someone standing beside, is you are doing a great job, you made the right choice. You may not know this, people living with cancer have the option not to take treatment, and sometimes you question was this the right choice, and yes it absolutely was. Another thing you could say other than sorry is stay strong, you guys can make it through this. I know everything is for a season, except maybe winter 2011 in Calgary. It hasn't stopped, lol!


Mellie B. said...

you are so right. way to often we chose to be ignorant then to be informed. You are doing a great job informing us of how it is to deal with someone you love in these circumstances. I guess by i dont want to hear i mean its hard to hear. its hard to imagine one of your bestys having to go through these things - and being close to her husband its hard to know what hes going through. It seems so surreal when you here "oh so and so has cancer" but do we really understand what that means??? Do we really understand what that entails not only for the said person but for his family?? the answer is no! Through your writings you make it able for us to go along this journey with you. Without this blog Rob would just be a freind who has cancer, now its hows his counts today, whats the nexts step, hows the antibiotics working.. stuff you normally wouldn't even know about
So thank you for this, for writing when its hard to write and for sharing what its hard to share. This blog makes me and i know my mom and whoever reads this blog im sure, feel like we are all taking this journey together with you. here to love, support, babysit (if linda would give them to me LOL) so keep it up! we are listening, we are caring, we are praying, and we are willing to support you as you and Rob deal with what comes next...

Anonymous said...

I think another thing you can say to a person who is the support system - is your not alone. Sometimes we feel so helpless watching our partner suffer so bad and we are so helpless to take any of the pain or suffering. We feel the pain- but only in our hearts. You are doing a fantastic job, you're support and love for your husband will go along way to his healing because he has a lot to live for. If I wasn't scared to send flowers, as I don't know what aggravates his situation, I would buy you some. I watch this blog regularly - I THINK YOU'RE A HERO TOO.
Praying for both of you and looking forward to the end of this storm in life -
Love you - Helen
PS - although I don't know Rob very well - you help me feel compassion and love for him with your words. I feel I know him a little better. Keep up the good work.