Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rob started his injections to boost his stem cells today. The nurse taught me how to do it because when his white cell count comes up he can stop the antibiotics and he wont have to go to the hospital everyday, which means they will give us the needle and I will do it at home. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I went on a 45 degree angle and the needle is really short so it stops just beneath under his skin. It goes in his stomach and the nurse said there isn't really anything there that I could hit. Rob said the last time he had them he could always feel it and it was uncomfortable, this time he didn't really feel it.
Rob's white blood count is .1 and his red is 119, and his platelets went up to 20. His weight went up to 236.6.
A couple of days ago I had to go to totem to get something to fix the bathroom sink with. When I got there I was explaining to the guy what I needed and he didn't really see how that would fix the problem so I said to him "It's ok my husband knows what he needs to fix the problem, he's just not allowed to leave the house", lol sometimes I should stop and think before talking but realized it was to late so why not have some fun, the guy was looking at me funny and so I said "I have him on a tight leash", lol!! I couldn't keep a straight face, because his chin hit the floor and he looked away, and was probably thinking I am going to stay away from that conversation, lol then I told him that it was because he didn't have an immune system. Lol!! it was fun but I will be more careful next time.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Wow good job I couldn't have done it your amazing :):)