Thursday, March 24, 2011

I am back at the hospital today and Rob is having chemo. He has 4 bags of chemo and fluid hooked up and running. He will be having chemo tomorrow as well. Rob said he didn't get any sleep last night. The nurses came in like every 2 hours to take his vitals, give him pills and take blood samples.
Last night on the way home I had some major road rage on the Deerfoot 500. I cut a guy off cause I didn't have a choice and he flashed his high beams at me. I was like no problem I would have done the same. Then he drives by me blarring his horn and so I moved over to take my exit. He gets behind me and starts flashing me again. So I slowed right down in a hurry and then took off. We came to a red light and he was so close to me that I put the Jeep in reverse and my sensors starting beeping at me. Then I waited till the light turned yellow and then I gassed it through the light and he followed on the red. Then he followed me to the gas station and when i got out he starting laughing, and laughing, cause I was a girl. He says to me what you think you are so tuff. I swore at him, and said why are you following me? He's like cause we are going to call the cops. lol!! I said oh sure lets do that. We go into the gas station and he starts lipping me off. I said a few nasty things to him, told him not to mess with me today because I just left my husband at the hospital for cancer the second time in under a year. He started to say oh your going to take it out on me cause you are having a bad day. Then two young boys in the gas station, came over and said to the guy something like why are you coming in here yelling at a young girl. I told them don't worry it was just a little road rage. Anyway the guy ended up apologizing and I said are we good now or do you still want to call the cops, he says no no we are good. So I left. I got home and just melted I sat in the jeep for like 5 mins just crying. I think the lesson is don't have road rage because you don't know what that person has already endured for the day and you don't know if they will take it out on someone when they get home.

We just did video call with my mom so we could talk to the boys and Seth gets on the phone and says you have an owee? you at the doctor? Tyler gets on and asks all the same questions and then asks you have a hurt daddy?


Anonymous said...

Awwww Victoria,Sending BIG HUGS your way,Stay strong. XOXOXOXO

Mellie B. said...

I dont even know what to say... my thoughts and prayers are with you, I love you and you are one brave and strong girl