Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rob did not do very well yesterday and today he doesn't seem to be any better. You don't realize how many times in a day your toilet is used and how much bacteria is on your toilet until you have to clean it every time you use it and every time your children use it. I cleaned it last night 10 times and Chris cleaned it about 10 times. Lysol is going to make a fortune off of us, lol!!
I spoke with the unit Rob was in at the hospital and they said that his nausea is out of control and told me how to get it back under control. So far it doesn't seem to be working. They said to take something at 8, then 9, then 10, then 11. We did that and he doesn't seem to be better. He came out of the bedroom this morning for awhile and then it was time for gravol so now he is having a nap.
Robs mom (Chris) said to me yesterday, no wonder you don't do laundry you have so much clothes for the boys. It is so true she is catching me up on all my laundry she sorted the laundry and there is 12 loads of laundry to do. She said to me I only have 5 left, lol!! I think I have a problem doing laundry.

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