Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I am posting this from Roberts room at the hospital. I am facing south and out the window I see 3 pigeons on the window sill. Normally I don't like pigeons but they are a welcome sight right now. They have this shiny row of feathers around their neck that is like the fiber optics toys I had as a kid.
Rob had the CVC put in his chest today it is a line that goes in a large vein in his neck that goes straight to his heart and it will remain there for the duration of the transplant and for a time after. The purpose of the CVC is so he does not have to get an IV every time and it will keep his veins in his arms from getting weak. The insertion of the CVC went very well, he had mild sedation and fentanal (spelling it is a narcotic), he now has a room in the Foothills Hospital. I think he is in a lot of pain now though because of the CVC. Rob will not take tylenol for a headache and they asked him if he wanted something for the pain and he said yes. I looked like I was moving in I had his suitcase on wheels, two pillows (for him), a BIG blanket and shoes for me, lol!!
I want to say thank you to all our family that has helped so far. Thank you so much we couldn't do this without you. Thank you for your emotional support. Thank you for taking the time out of your lives and away from your duties to be with us. Thank you for your understanding. Thank you for your financial support. Thank you for watching our children, we know they are in good hands and that means one less and very major thing we do not have to worry about. Thank you for travelling hours just to be here. We love you and know it is hard on you guys too.

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