Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yesterday was a really bad day for Rob it all just piled up. He doesn't want to eat, talk, watch tv, play games. He doesn't want to do anything but sit there with his eyes closed. I asked him today to describe to me what he was going through. He said my head is hot, cold, hot, cold, I feel like I am going to puke, not puke, puke, not puke. I asked so like a really bad flu, he said yes but WORSE. There is no chemo today but he feels like crap, he didn't eat breakfast or lunch. I doubt he is going to come home today, maybe tomorrow. Robs white blood cell count went down to 6.1, and the red went up to 136 and his platelets went up to 107. Yesterday I got an unexpected and very welcomed from call. It was the best distraction. Thank you Everyone has a part in all of this it is so amazing to see how people react when there part is called, wheather you drive here and just sit here and say nothing just to be here, or just being ready at a moments notice if called upon, or shopping for groceries, texting just to say I am thinking about you, is there anything I can do for you. Calling to talk about other things as a way of distraction. Some people have gone above and beyond what their part called for. They saw a hole missing in the play and filled it with improvising. The things you remember most about a play are the one liners, they are little and usually happen when improvising. It is all the little things that add up and make this all come together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're a real tropper. I know I don't know Rob enough to be a help but if there's anything I can do let me know. Thank God for your mom. We are praying and hoping the best for you. You guys are so brave. Glad you're posting - because although we would love to say we understand what you're going through - we don't. Hope the better days come soon
Helen H