Friday, March 25, 2011

I am back at the hospital. Yesterday was not good. The chemo hit Rob like a ton of bricks and he was very sick. They gave him gravol and that seemed to do the trick. He had a nap and it was better as well. Today when I got here he was into his chemo treatment for about four and a half hours. He is really red they said he is having an allergic reaction to the chemo and that if it is itchy and irritating then they would give him benedryl. It doesn't seem to bother him at the moment.
Tomorrow will be the same thing chemo treatment from 8 until 4.
Last night as I was leaving there was a little girl about 7 or 8 years old and she was crying. She was saying bye to her mom. Her grandpa was standing there with the little girls suitcase. The little girl was saying I can't I can't. She didn't want to say bye and leave her mom for the night. It was the sadest and hardest thing to see. It got me to thinking how blessed we are that my mom has been so involved since the boys were born that for them to spend a few days at Grandmas is ok. They love it there. I was talking to Seth last night and my mom was telling him say hi to mom. Seth said hi then asks my mom can I go downstairs now. Lol!! at this point I am happy he is there but he doesn't even miss me, lol. Then I was talking to Tyler and I said I will see you tomorrow and he says after I sleep, awww I had a tear in my eye and said yes after you sleep and then I will see you at supper.
I have a thought for you. It is so easy to say and actually mean you would die for someone you love. Would you endure the mental stress, anguish, pain, boredom, uncomfortable procedures, pity, a year of your life for the procedure and recovery time, time away from your children, life and family for someone you love. Would you trade places with someone you love? I don't mean your child I mean your spouse, brother, sister, or a parent. The answer doesn't matter I couldn't trade places anyway, we all have our part and I am much better to lean on then have to lean on other people.
Thank you for your words of strength, I will continue to be a rock and lucky for me when the rock cracks I have super glue in my back pocket.


Chantelle said...

You are an amazing wife Victoria. I keep coming on here to see how things are going. I am sorry to hear that you even have to go through all this. But I will be praying for strength for you all.

Mellie B. said...

You made me smile with that one...
i got some crazy glue too so i'll help any way i can